ED Chat 5/13/12

I participated in another Ed Chat today, and I found it remarkable how excited some people can get when you show appreciation for their thoughts and contributions. I posted some links to Physical Education articles that were about using video and PE being good for brain development, and I also commented on some interesting posts related to assessment. I got instant thank-yous from the individuals who I had read and commented on, and the passion for education and their ability to advocate for their niche in education.


  1. Nice! You are having much better luck than I am with these chats and P.E.

  2. Rob,

    It's nice to hear that the Residents of the Internet have "souls." I have respect for Twitter that I never expected to in this regard: it allows you to make meaningful networking connections with those you'd normally never meet.

    Thanks for sharing!



Head for the great outdoors!

Head for the great outdoors!