Here we have topics related to the Single Subject Teaching Credential at CSUSM, and some specifically pertaining to the important subject of Physical Education!
RR1: IDENTIFY research-based instructional strategies you can use in you ITU
At Escondido High School, there are a high percentage of Latino/Latina students. Like any demographic group, there are specific strategies that have been proven effective when targeting specific needs. Research shows that the following strategies are effective to increase student achievement: • Value their Culture and Language= create a better environment for learning
• Set high expectations (very actively engaged in meaningful activities) • Make learning meaningful (relative to their lives, culture, etc.)
• Teach students to be decisive, social activists who can transform society, versus teaching them “heroes and holidays”, or encouraging them to simply regurgitate facts.
See this link:
Activity 7.2 Why do some people struggle, even though they eat a similar diet? Is physical performance affected by nutrition? Are the same foods always best for all athletes/ inviduals? Is BMI a good health indicator?
RR4: IDENTIFY what tasks you would be well skilled at leading and contributing to for the ITU project.
Task 5: Unit Overview of Activities • Task 6: Unit Objectives, Standards & Assessments • Task 7: Unit Calendar • Task 8: Technology Applications • Task 9. Art Component Because I enjoy aligning student needs with activities and state content standards and finding ways to include valued applications, these tasks are interesting to me.
RR6: CREATE a Personal Learning Network (PLN). The videos served as a reminder to me that teachers are all unique individuals who create their own accommodations for their community of learners. I feel that the nature of the educator is truly creative, but that there is a broad range of creativity and resourcefulness amongst teachers. The way that some teachers reject technology applications is a reflection of their own creativity and resourcefulness. While some applications might actually be a distraction from delivering relevant content, I think that students often lack inspiration to fully engage in the material, therefore teachers should select appropriate and meaningful technology for their learners to benefit from.
My PLN currently involves this blog, my twitter account, networking on Grouply, and research streamlined through Diigo and the Diigo toolbar.
RR 3: MAKE a list or highlight models & resources to share with your ITU team. Bring hard copy to next class meeting.
Pre-assessment (find out what students already know about the ITU)
Students taking on the role of a professional
Culminating event (integral to quality physical education.)
Discovering Patterns within Disciplines (as a culminating event?)
Place-Based education (field trip).
Each student takes on his/her own particular area of study (encourages student interest.)
Thinking Processing Map (a type of schema that serves as a graphic organizer for the integrated curriculums).
Cooperative Learning (a genre of instructional strategies that use small groups of students working together and helping one another on learning tasks, with an emphasis on support and co-constructed knowledge among group members rather than competition- Roberts, Kellough.)
Discussion (a strategy that helps learners re- construct understanding by building on what others say so each statement expands, clarifies, or challenges previous statements and stimulates thinking. Guided discovery learning is a strategy where the teacher identifies a goal, arranges information so pat- terns can be found, and guides students to the goal -Roberts, Kellough.)
Student Inquiry Learning (a strategy where the students gather information from observations and facts and use what is gathered to investigate real-world problems-Roberts, Kellough.)
RR7: Identify the key elements and process for Service Learning.
In service learning, students are encouraged to develop caring and socially reforming actions, with the hope of making their community and world better, all while pursuing school-based curriculum. This makes learning meaningful to students and fosters a system of values. Students who successful engage in service learning will:
-See how their thinking and actions create results outside of the classroom
-Use academia to develop social and personal skills that make a difference in the world
-Increase civic participation while demonstrating individual and interpersonal growth
-Demonstrate their understanding of themselves, society, and their community -Develop leadership and teamwork skills, while helping others.
During this process, students are actively planning and assessing their actions, always considering the reasons why they are doing what they are doing. This creates a unique experience from other forms of community service, because there is strong academic structure and students are choosing, and reflecting on their social actions. Service learning fits together perfectly with Thematic Instruction because multiple disciplines can be considered, while social and cultural aspects can be brought to the forefront.
Service Learning Ideas:
• SMUSD Health Fair Carnival Booth -Create a message about nutrition -Take on the role of health advocate -Create a handout for the booth -Suggest a creative menu for High School Athletes -Warn about negative nutritional habits, eating disorders, etc. -Create a guideline for Physical Activity based on Caloric intake
• Present a Nutritional Plan (with suggested menus): -To the cafeteria -To various Cultures (Mexican, Italian, etc.) -To the Track team, Soccer team, Baseball team, etc.
• BMI Presentation (YMCA, B&G Clubs, School Faculty, local Businesses?) -Explain how to evaluate ones Body Mass Index -Statistics -Health considerations -IS BMI a solely valuable consideration?
ReplyDeleteIDENTIFY research-based instructional strategies you can use in you ITU
At Escondido High School, there are a high percentage of Latino/Latina students. Like any demographic group, there are specific strategies that have been proven effective when targeting specific needs. Research shows that the following strategies are effective to increase student achievement:
• Value their Culture and Language= create a better environment for learning
• Set high expectations (very actively engaged in meaningful activities)
• Make learning meaningful (relative to their lives, culture, etc.)
• Teach students to be decisive, social activists who can transform society, versus teaching them “heroes and holidays”, or encouraging them to simply regurgitate facts.
Activity 7.1
See this link:
Activity 7.2
Why do some people struggle, even though they eat a similar diet?
Is physical performance affected by nutrition?
Are the same foods always best for all athletes/ inviduals?
Is BMI a good health indicator?
RR5: As a school team, IDENTIFY a theme for your ITU and SHARE ideas and a draft for a Cover Sheet with you ITU team.
ReplyDelete“What’s your definition of a healthy diet?”
Spanish cultures, metabolism, BMI, benefits of physical activity, menu creation, use technology to encourage a healthy diet
ReplyDeleteIDENTIFY what tasks you would be well skilled at leading and contributing to for the ITU project.
Task 5: Unit Overview of Activities
• Task 6: Unit Objectives, Standards & Assessments
• Task 7: Unit Calendar
• Task 8: Technology Applications
• Task 9. Art Component
Because I enjoy aligning student needs with activities and state content standards and finding ways to include valued applications, these tasks are interesting to me.
ReplyDeleteCREATE a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
The videos served as a reminder to me that teachers are all unique individuals who create their own accommodations for their community of learners. I feel that the nature of the educator is truly creative, but that there is a broad range of creativity and resourcefulness amongst teachers. The way that some teachers reject technology applications is a reflection of their own creativity and resourcefulness. While some applications might actually be a distraction from delivering relevant content, I think that students often lack inspiration to fully engage in the material, therefore teachers should select appropriate and meaningful technology for their learners to benefit from.
My PLN currently involves this blog, my twitter account, networking on Grouply, and research streamlined through Diigo and the Diigo toolbar.
RR 3:
ReplyDeleteMAKE a list or highlight models & resources to share with your ITU team. Bring hard copy to next class meeting.
Pre-assessment (find out what students already know about the ITU)
Students taking on the role of a professional
Culminating event (integral to quality physical education.)
Discovering Patterns within Disciplines (as a culminating event?)
Place-Based education (field trip).
Each student takes on his/her own particular area of study (encourages student interest.)
Thinking Processing Map (a type of schema that serves as a graphic organizer for the integrated curriculums).
Cooperative Learning (a genre of instructional strategies that use small groups of students working together and helping one another on learning tasks, with an emphasis on support and co-constructed knowledge among group members rather than competition- Roberts, Kellough.)
Discussion (a strategy that helps learners re- construct understanding by building on what others say so each statement expands, clarifies, or challenges previous statements and stimulates thinking. Guided discovery learning is a strategy where the teacher identifies a goal, arranges information so pat- terns can be found, and guides students to the goal -Roberts, Kellough.)
Student Inquiry Learning (a strategy where the students gather information from observations and facts and use what is gathered to investigate real-world problems-Roberts, Kellough.)
Great RR 1-6!
ReplyDeleteShare your link for your ITU webpage.
Oh Yea! I made a tab on top now to... here's the link!
RR7: Identify the key elements and process for Service Learning.
ReplyDeleteIn service learning, students are encouraged to develop caring and socially reforming actions, with the hope of making their community and world better, all while pursuing school-based curriculum. This makes learning meaningful to students and fosters a system of values. Students who successful engage in service learning will:
-See how their thinking and actions create results outside of the classroom
-Use academia to develop social and personal skills that make a difference in the world
-Increase civic participation while demonstrating individual and interpersonal growth
-Demonstrate their understanding of themselves, society, and their community
-Develop leadership and teamwork skills, while helping others.
During this process, students are actively planning and assessing their actions, always considering the reasons why they are doing what they are doing. This creates a unique experience from other forms of community service, because there is strong academic structure and students are choosing, and reflecting on their social actions.
Service learning fits together perfectly with Thematic Instruction because multiple disciplines can be considered, while social and cultural aspects can be brought to the forefront.
Service Learning Ideas:
• SMUSD Health Fair Carnival Booth
-Create a message about nutrition
-Take on the role of health advocate
-Create a handout for the booth
-Suggest a creative menu for High School Athletes
-Warn about negative nutritional habits, eating disorders, etc.
-Create a guideline for Physical Activity based on Caloric intake
• Present a Nutritional Plan (with suggested menus):
-To the cafeteria
-To various Cultures (Mexican, Italian, etc.)
-To the Track team, Soccer team, Baseball team, etc.
• BMI Presentation (YMCA, B&G Clubs, School Faculty, local Businesses?)
-Explain how to evaluate ones Body Mass Index
-Health considerations
-IS BMI a solely valuable consideration?